Frequently asked questions
What do we do?
We are specialists in leasing and Sweden's leading provider of flexible accommodation. Since our start almost 30 years ago we have gathered a profound knowledge about the leasing market as well as the juridical questions that concern leasing and residential mediation. Using Bostad Direkt is the safest choice for all parties. Using our large leasing market you can easily find a new residence or lease out your current one.
Does Bostad Direkt provide first hand contracts?
No, Bostad Direkt provides no first hand residential contracts. We simple act as a provider of flexible accommodation.
Is there a residential queue?
Since we only deal with flexible accommodation there is no queue system.
What is Bostad Direkt’s organization number?
Our Swedish organization number is 556456-5785
How can I pay via bank wire from another country?
When paying via bank wire from another country you need an IBAN and a SwiftCode.
The fastest way to send money to us is by using the following IBAN and SwiftCode.
IBAN: SE 86 6000 0000 0003 8590 6218
Swiftcode: HANDSESS
(This is the international account number for our bank, Handelsbanken Sverige Stockholm).
Value Added Tax registration number: SE 556456-5785-01
General Information about Bostad Direkt
How can I lease my residence via Bostad Direkt?
You can enter your contact details and information about your residence in the “Sublet” section of our website. After our customer service has approved the advert it is published. One of our residential agents will contact you when a client has expressed interest in your residence. When leasing to companies Bostad Direkt is your contractual counterparty in the leasing contract. This provides you with an added layer of security. Leasing your residence via Bostad Direkt is free of charge. Leasing via Bostad Direkt is free of charge.
How much does it cost to advertise my residence via Bostad Direkt?
Leasing your residence to a tenant is free of charge. We do not charge the landlord anything for this service.
What does it mean to advertise a residence toward corporate clients?
When you advertise towards corporate clients you will be contacted by one of our residential agents when a company shows interest in your residence. The agent’s role is to mediate the contact between you and the corporate client and help both parties with their respective questions. The agent will primarily work with the corporate client and if both parties are in agreement the agent will assist in drawing up a contract. You will enter a leasing agreement with the company and not the individual staying there, even if the contract states a named individual as the tenant.
The service is entirely free of charge.
Why are so few companies interested in my residence?
If you do not get the response that you were expecting when advertising you should consider rewriting your residence description, promote more advantages and make it more attractive. If you haven’t added pictures to your advert yet it is a great idea to upload some pictures of the interior and add them to the advert. You should also think about whether your demands on the tenant are reasonable or not i.e. the rental period being too short or too far into the future, furnishings, rent level etc. Sometimes the lack of interest is due to the rent being too high. You can always lower the rent to a more attractive level. Also remember that residences being leased out should have a normal/good standard and be well cleaned.
How long is the advertisement period?
When you are leasing to a corporate client, your advert is shown for 90 days. At the end of the advertisement period your residential advert is automatically removed. You will be informed of this via e-mail and you can easily reactivate your advertisement if your residence is still available.
What should I keep in mind when I am renting out my residence?
There are a number of things you should know about and keep in mind in order to ensure a safe and smooth lease. When renting out your residence you must always have the permission of your own landlord or the condominium that owns the building. This is very important as they can force you to ask your tenant to move out without notice if you do not have said permission. You always have to request permission if your tenant is going to live in the apartment when you are not there. The landlord does not have the right to deny you permission if you have a good reason for renting out your accomodation.
Examples of good reasons:
- Temporary studies or work in another city.
- Moving in with your partner to “try living together” before moving in permanently.
- Military service.
- Longer hospital stay or other rehabilitation.
If the residence is part of a condominium, there are a few more reasons you may use when demanding permission to sublet. For instance you might have bought the condominium to use after you have retired. If the landlord denies your request for permission you can contact the Regional Rent and Tenancies Tribunal (Hyresnämnden) to dispute the decision.
Hyresnämnden in Stockholm: www.hyresnamnden.se
Read more about the important things to keep in mind before and during a lease in our Good advice. There you can get some helpful and important tips before your lease (how to request permission, rules for right of possession etc.), your rights and obligations as a landlord as well as descriptions of rental periods and cancellation procedures.
What responsibility do I have for the residence during the leasing period?
Even though you do not live there during the lease, you still have the general responsibility of the residence. Amongst other things you are responsible that your own rent is paid on time and that your tenant follows the rules and regulations in place regarding behaviour.
If you are going abroad during the leasing period we recommend you to give a so called “power of attorney” to someone staying in Sweden who can represent you and receive cancellations or handle other matters. The document detailing the power of attorney must also be sent to your own landlord or condominium.
Read more about the important things to keep in mind before and during a lease in our Good Advice.
How is a leasing agreement cancelled?
By sending your notice of termination via e-mail to foretag@bostaddirekt.com.
How much rent can I charge?
The amount of rent that you may charge is regulated by the Swedish Leasing Law (Hyreslagen) if you are leasing a rental apartment and by the Law regarding Subleasing of your own home (Privatuthyrningslagen) if you lease a condominium or a villa.
Rental apartment
The rent should be as much as the actual rent you pay. This is a new law that has come into force from October 1, 2019.
If the apartment is furnished you may increase the rent depending on how valuable the furnishings are. The Swedish Rent Tribunal will normally approve a maximum of 15% rent increase for a fully furnished apartment. If you have other costs such as electricity and broadband you are also allowed to charge a cost price for this.
In the event that a tenant suspects that they are being charged too much rent, they may report this to the Swedish Rent Tribunal. These reports may be made regardless of whether the tenant is an individual or a legal entity.
Read more on https://www.fastighetsagarna.se/aktuellt/nyheter/2019/tuffare-regler-mot-svarthandel-och-otillaten-andrahandsuthyrning-infors-1-oktober/ (information in Swedish)
Privately owned home (condominium, terraced house, villa)
When leasing a condominium or a house you may charge a cost based rent. The maximum rent is calculated based on a reasonable yearly return on capital interest rate of the market value of the residence, in addition to any fees or costs due to wear and tear. Guidelines for market values can be found at Svensk mäklarstatistik.
Unlike rental apartments, while the terms of the lease contract regarding a condominium or a house can be reported and tried in the Rent Tribunal, the tribunal will no longer try and grant retroactive repayment of excessive rent. This applies to all contracts signed after the 1st of February 2013.
The law regarding leasing of your own home may be found here (in Swedish). here
For more information, visit the Rent Tribunal website (in Swedish) - Upplåtelser enligt lagen om uthyrning av egen bostad.
Do I have to report my rent income to the tax office?
Your rent income should always be subject to taxation, but you may also do certain deductions. If you want to know what applies to you specifically, please contact Skatteverket, the Swedish Tax Agency, by calling +46 771-567 567.
Can you help out with inspection?
The owner/first hand tenant of the property is responsible for creating a survey protocol and an inventory list to be approved by the tenant. As a landlord, it is always advantageous to attach some photos to your lists.
Of course, we will gladly answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding your lease. Inspections and writing snag or inventory lists should be done by you together with your tenant.
Templates for survey protocols and inventory lists etc. can be found by clicking on the Templates tab when you are logged in.
How can I be certain that I receive my rent on time?
When subletting to a company, Bostad Direkt will guarantee that you receive your rent on time. However, it is still important that you have someone holding a power of attorney taking care of your lease if you are on vacation or something similar.
Who can see my contact details?
If you are leasing through Bostad Direkt no other party can see your contact details until you are signing the actual contract. -
Can you pay my rent to an international bank account?
No, because of bank limitations we are currently only able to pay rents to Swedish bank accounts.
Leasing your residence
What is included in the Bostad Direkt corporate service?
This is what you get as a customer:
- Residential mediation
- Personal estate agent
- Contract service
- Safe and secure leasing period
- Just rent – no other fees or hidden costs
Your personal estate agent will present you with properties matching your requests, book exclusive viewings and assist you with drawing up the contract. The agent will also, free of charge, start up a new search for you if you are still in need of a residence at the end of the leasing period. Your agent is also available for questions and advice during the entire lease.
Bostad Direkt is also a part of the leasing agreement – which gives you the safest possible lease. When leasing through Bostad Direkt you only pay the rent – no other hidden fees!
How do I search for a residence via my company?
You can search for a residence via your employer or via your own company. Please note that an authorized individual, such as the owner or Lead HR, within the company must always approve of your search. You can register your company details and your residential request in the registration form located in the ”Company” section of our site. Bostad Direkt will process your registration and one of our residential agents will contact you shortly.
Of course, you are welcome to register your company via our Customer Support Hotline by sending an email to foretag@bostaddirekt.com
What does it cost to find a residence via my company?
As a corporate client you only pay the rent listed in the advert. Bostad Direkt does not charge you any mediation fees.
How can I search for company residences?
Your personal residential agent will take care of the searching for you.
How can I cancel my company's residential search?
You can contact your residential agent at any time and notify him or her that you wish to cancel your residential search.
Who is the legal tenant in the contract – the company or the person who will live there?
The company is the legal tenant and should therefore also sign the contract with the landlord.
What termination rules apply to properties leased via Bostad Direkt?
As Bostad Direkt is a business, the law regarding privately owned property leasing is not applicable. As such the termination rules are always in accordance with the standard Swedish Rental Law. You can read these rules in our Good Advice.
What happens if I do not turn up at a viewing that has been booked for me?
Bostad Direkt reserves the right to charge a 450 SEK fee in case a client does not turn up for a scheduled viewing without notifying the other party at least two hours ahead of the designated meeting time.
What conditions apply to corporate clients that wish to lease a residence?
We screen every corporate client in order to approve them according to our terms and conditions. Click here to view our terms
Searching for a residence as a company
What do I do if I encounter an error, need help or have questions about the service?
We're always standing by to answer any question you might have during office hours. You can reach us by e-mail foretag@bostaddirekt.com.