Why rent with Bostad Direkt?
Rent out to Bostad Direkt
Why is corporate housing so important?
There is a shortage of both housing and manpower in many areas of Sweden. A poorly functioning housing market, mainly in the larger city areas, leads to large problems for Swedish companies when it comes to hiring the correct specialist staff, which hampers their ability to develop. With our flexible corporate housing, Bostad Direkt is an important partner for expanding businesses in need of new staff, regardless of if the new hires are coming in from abroad or another part of Sweden.
The growth of the market for flexible corporate housing shows that the demand for our services is high, which several large and global businesses have already stated publicly. Our line of business fills a very important function for our society.
Bostad Direkt in short
Bostad Direkt is a leading provider of flexible corporate housing and rents out over 600 apartments each year. As one of the longest running providers in the business, we have since our start about 30 years ago gathered a profound knowledge of the rental market and any legal questions relating to housing and renting. Bostad Direkt has several partnerships with both landlords and caretakers that build on sustainability and mutual trust.
We represent safe and simple letting for landlords
- Bostad Direkt is a long-term tenant and partner.
- Bostad Direkt provides serious corporate clients through its wide array of contacts and partnerships.
- Only individuals from a company that are named in the leasing contract may use the property.
- Bostad Direkt does NOT rent out short-term, and always tries to perfectly match the rent periods agreed upon with the landlords. This way we can avoid a large turnover of tenants.
- Bostad Direkt ensures all tenants relinquish their right of possession and provides the necessary agreements for this.
- Bostad Direkt will handle any disturbances in the apartments without delay.
- Bostad Direkt is a safe partner who pays the rent on time.
Safety and simplicity for everyone is our main focus
Send us an email for more information.

We have mediated more than 25 000 leases
Make sure that your home doesn’t cost you money by just being empty. Leasing with Bostad Direkt is always free of charge.

You decide where, when and how
Bostad Direkt is here to help you and you are calling the shots! You lease to companies and choose your own monthly rent.

Safe payments
When your lease starts we make sure that you get your rent paid on time every month. All payments are made through Bostad Direkt, ensuring the safest possible lease for both tenant and landlord.